Jiashuai Zhu

I am a master graduate (by coursework) from the University of Melbourne. I have a background of biotechnology in both my bachelor’s and master’s degree, providing me with advanced knowledge in bioinformatics and molecular biology, as well as basic knowledge in commercialization and marketing.
In my bachelor’s degree, I worked in a project of construction of cloning and expression vector of enolase gene in Lactobacillus plantarum P-8 as well as 3D modelling and interaction prediction between the enolase and the substrate 10-HOE.
During my master education, I did a research internship in the AgriBio lab, which was about the identification of Phytophthora present in Victoria for plant biosecurity reasons, and exploring their evolutionary relationship.
In addition, I participated an industry project which includes research in workflows of patient-centric microsampling of various sample types, as well as traditional clinical-centric sampling and pathological diagnosis, in terms of the collection, storage, and logistics.
Besides my major, I also have a big interest in programming and plan to pursue a research career where I can solve biological questions related to crop and agriculture using computational way. Now, I am doing a research internship with Alex Fournier-Level and Jefferson F. Paril. The work is mainly about data visualization using R.
You may contact me via email here.