Tiffany (Jiasheng) Gong

Love bio and everything about nature 😃
I completed a Bachelor in Bioscience at UC Irvine (USA). During a Field Biology class as an undergraduate, I had my first experience of designing a research project as a group working initiation distance of the birds. I also helped in a marine microbiology lab in my fourth-year undergrad, collecting the BVOCs of the seagrass from Newport Beach. I am passionate about experimental research in labs, and I am currently developing these skills at the master's level, following my passion for new challenges! That’s why I’m here in this brand-new place, Australia, starting my new journey.
For my Masters, I joined in the Adaptive Evolution lab. I’m working with annual ryegrass, a grass weed with high genetic diversity, that causes a significant reduction in wheat yield in Australia. Under unsuitable conditions, such as insufficient light or low temperature, seeds can become dormant and escape weed control before crop sowing. Seed dormancy may last from weeks to years, and adjusting germination time might be a major weediness adaptive trait. To understand the pattern of establishment annual ryegrass populations, my project investigates how genetic and environmental variations affect germination time.
For more information, you are welcome to contact me via email.